I have HIV and the doc put on medication to fight the virus. She mentioned a few reactions that I should be looking out for because she says the drugs can be toxic. What should I watch out for?

There are several drug side effects that can be potentially fatal:

  1. Lactic acidosis when using any of the NRTIsĀ  (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors)
    causing nausea, vomiting, hyperventilation, very low blood pressure, rapid pulse
  2. Stevens Johnson syndrome with any of the NNRTIs (nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors)
    causing fever, sore throat, ulcers in the mouth/nose/genitals, rash and peeling of skin over the face/trunk/extremities
  3. Didanosine-induced pancreatitis
    causing severe upper abdominal pain with radiation to the back
  4. Abacavir-related hypersensitivity syndrome
    causing fever, rash, swelling of the throat, shortness of breath
  5. Nevirapine-associated liver failure
    causing abnormal liver function tests, itching, yellowing of your eyes.