I am 59 and post-menopausal and I have osteoporosis. Is hormone replacement good to prevent worsening of my osteoporosis?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is essentially using elevated levels of estrogen and progestin (hormones typically found in some birth control pills) to replace the depleted levels of hormones after menopause.  HRT is indicated to prevent osteoporosis, however, there are serious side effects that all women should be away of.  In 1991, a study known as… Continue reading I am 59 and post-menopausal and I have osteoporosis. Is hormone replacement good to prevent worsening of my osteoporosis?

How much calcium does a person need each day?

The National Academy of Sciences recommends the following values as adequate intake of calcium: 0-6 months – 210 mg/day 6-12 months – 270 mg/day 1-3 years – 500 mg/day 4-8 years – 800 mg/day 9-18 years – 1300 mg/day 19-50 years – 1000 mg/day >51 years – 1200 mg/day

Hypothetically speaking, should a person with active tuberculosis be treated while pregnant or should treatment be delayed until after pregnancy?

Treatment should be initiated immediately on any patient suspected of having active tuberculosis regardless of pregnancy status.  In fact, the dangers of having active tuberculosis far outweigh any potential side effects of the medications.  Therefore, triple drug therapy with isoniazide, rifampin, and ethambutol should be initiated and continued for nine months.

What’s the difference between albendazole and mebendazole?

Both drugs are antiparasitics used to treat helminths (worm-type parasites). Mebendazole is mainly sequestered in the gut lumen (95% is secreted in the feces) and is excellent at killing parasites that are only in the intestinal tract such as: pinworms whipworms hookworms roundworms Albendazole on the other hand is readily absorbed into the systemic circulation… Continue reading What’s the difference between albendazole and mebendazole?