My aunt has lupus and my oldest sister was recently diagnosed with lupus. Should I go get tested for lupus?

If you have any symptoms of lupus (see list below), testing may be beneficial.  However, most doctors don’t recommend screening tests for lupus if you’re asymptomatic.  For example, serum ANA is a good marker for lupus and is positive in over 95% of patients with lupus.  However, only about 25% of the general population are… Continue reading My aunt has lupus and my oldest sister was recently diagnosed with lupus. Should I go get tested for lupus?

At what point would a person be admitted to the hospital for anorexia?

In general, anyone who is unable to properly care for themselves or is in danger of hurting themselves should be admitted to the hospital.  For anorexia, there also exist specific criteria for admission. These criteria for admission include: Severe malnutrition (less than 75% of ideal body weight) Cardiac arrythmias Signs and symptosm of dehydration Electrolyte… Continue reading At what point would a person be admitted to the hospital for anorexia?

Do I need to take Claritin every day for my allergies?

For seasonal and perennial allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (runny/itching nose and red/itchy/watery eyes) and in chronic urticaria (itching), treatment is often with over the counter second generation H1 Antihistamines such as loratidine (Claritin). Studies have shown that these are most effective when taken on a regular basis than on an as needed basis to reduce allergic inflammation… Continue reading Do I need to take Claritin every day for my allergies?

I’ve had allergies since I was a child with runny nose and itchy swollen eyes. Benedryl makes me drowsy and Allegra doesn’t work that well. What is the strongest medication to relieve my allergies?

The standard treatment for seasonal and perennial allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (runny/itching nose and red/itchy/watery eyes) is often with over the counter second generation H1 Antihistamines (like allegra). There are other medication options you can explore with your primary healthcare provider. Many H1 antihistamines are available with pseudoephedrine which enhances relief of nasal congestion. Studies have shown… Continue reading I’ve had allergies since I was a child with runny nose and itchy swollen eyes. Benedryl makes me drowsy and Allegra doesn’t work that well. What is the strongest medication to relieve my allergies?